Code you can Trust
Code you can Trust

Secure and Compliance ready in minutes
Using Symbolic Execution and LLMs security vulnerabilities are identified and healed
With Accelchain's Poweful LLM

Secure and Compliant Software
in 3 steps

Static Analysis
Static Analysis
Static Analysis
Accelchain’s AI, having been exhaustively trained on a large variety of security vulnerabilities, performs static analysis of code to identify fingerprints of any such vulnerability that may be present.
Accelchain’s AI, having been exhaustively trained on a large variety of security vulnerabilities, performs static analysis of code to identify fingerprints of any such vulnerability that may be present.
Accelchain’s AI, having been exhaustively trained on a large variety of security vulnerabilities, performs static analysis of code to identify fingerprints of any such vulnerability that may be present.

Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Leveraging Symbolic Execution, Accelchain performs dynamic analysis of code by exhaustively exploring possible execution paths to identify security vulnerabilities and unreachable code, providing deep insights into code behavior and potential issues before deployment.
Leveraging Symbolic Execution, Accelchain performs dynamic analysis of code by exhaustively exploring possible execution paths to identify security vulnerabilities and unreachable code, providing deep insights into code behavior and potential issues before deployment.
Leveraging Symbolic Execution, Accelchain performs dynamic analysis of code by exhaustively exploring possible execution paths to identify security vulnerabilities and unreachable code, providing deep insights into code behavior and potential issues before deployment.

Detailed Audit Report
Detailed Audit Report
Detailed Audit Report
Upon identification of security vulnerabilities, Accelchain generates a detailed audit report containing details about each vulnerability including its impact and severity, section of code causing the vulnerability and its potential fix.
Upon identification of security vulnerabilities, Accelchain generates a detailed audit report containing details about each vulnerability including its impact and severity, section of code causing the vulnerability and its potential fix.
Upon identification of security vulnerabilities, Accelchain generates a detailed audit report containing details about each vulnerability including its impact and severity, section of code causing the vulnerability and its potential fix.
Automated Security Audit
Employing the techniques of static and dynamic analyses, Accelchain automates scanning of code for security vulnerabilities, potentially saving weeks of manual audit efforts and significantly mitigating risks associated with it

Detailed Audit Report
Accelchain generates a detailed audit report containing details of each security vulnerability, including its impact and severity, section of code causing the vulnerability and its potential fix

Auto-healing vulnerabilities
For certain types of security vulnerabilities, Accelchain’s trained AI model can identify fixes and automatically replace the vulnerable code with secure code without impacting the business logic

Faster Development Turnarounds
Reduced Development Cost
Cheaper Maintenance
Make things happen
Accelerate Your Journey to Production-Ready Code
Supports your favourite languages.
Supports your favourite languages.
Supports your favourite languages.
Development has never been easier. Don’t spend time learning new languages for your use case anymore.
Development has never been easier. Don’t spend time learning new languages for your use case anymore.
Development has never been easier. Don’t spend time learning new languages for your use case anymore.
Trusted by thousands of developers
Naushik Raj
Aniketh Kulkarni
Mithun TN
Rajesh MR
Keshav VH
Sufalia TS
Rahul S Kamat
Naushik Raj
Aniketh Kulkarni
Mithun TN
Rajesh MR
Keshav VH
Sufalia TS
Rahul S Kamat
Naushik Raj
Aniketh Kulkarni
Mithun TN
Rajesh MR
Keshav VH
Sufalia TS
Rahul S Kamat
Naushik Raj
Aniketh Kulkarni
Mithun TN
Rajesh MR
Keshav VH
Sufalia TS
Rahul S Kamat
Built on Accelchain
Built on Accelchain
Accelerate Software Development
with AI
Accelerate Software Development with AI
Accelerate Software Development with AI
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Faster Development Turnarounds
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Accelerate Your Journey to Production-Ready Code
Faster Development Turnarounds
Reduced Development Cost
Cheaper Maintenance
Make things happen
Accelerate Your Journey to Production-Ready Code
Faster Development Turnarounds
Reduced Development Cost
Cheaper Maintenance
Make things happen
Accelerate Your Journey to Production-Ready Code